
bbcflib::bFlatMajor::bedtools Namespace Reference


def bedtools
def annotateBed
def bamToBed
def bamToFastq
def bed12ToBed6
def bedpeToBam
def bedToBam
def bedToIgv
def closestBed
def clusterBed
def complementBed
def coverageBed
def expandCols
def fastaFromBed
def flankBed
def genomeCoverageBed
def getOverlap
def groupBy
def intersectBed
def linksBed
def mapBed
def maskFastaFromBed
def mergeBed
def multiBamCov
def multiIntersectBed
def nucBed
def pairToBed
def pairToPair
def randomBed
def shuffleBed
def slopBed
def sortBed
def subtractBed
def tagBam
def unionBedGraphs
def windowBed
def windowMaker

Detailed Description

Binding of the entire collection of `BedTools <>`_.

The generic binding is::

    def bedtools(tool, args=None)

with parameters *tool*, the name of the tool, and
*args*, a string ("-i file"), a list (["-i","file"]) or a dictionary ({"i": "file"}) of command-line options passed to *tool*.

Each individual tool has its own call, like::


with obligatory arguments *bedfile* and *files* (see the BedTools `documentation <>`_), and any additional optional arguments via `**kw`.
If *wait* is True, then the function will wait for completion and return the output filename, otherwise it runs a nonblocking job (with the parameter *via*) and returns a tuple (bein.Future, filename).
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